Inductions for housing associations

Safe and simple inductions for contractors and residents

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hands of a bricklayer laying bricks with a trowel
Trusted locally, nationally and internationally by

GetOnSite is an easy-to-use online housing induction system

Do you know if induction information is being delivered consistently across all locations? Would you like to streamline the induction process for both contractors attending properties, and residents at the properties?

  • With GetOnSite’s online induction system you can do both. By hosting required health and safety inductions online, you can be sure anyone entering a property is fully aware of the safety procedures in place for your association.
  • Inductions are quick and simple to complete, and they can be accessed anywhere, at any time and on any device.

Key features

Book your free system demo

In just 30 minutes you’ll learn how GetOnSite can help you save time & money, increase productivity and mitigate health & safety risks. Complete the form below to book your free system demo.

24/7 access
24/7 access

Access your induction anytime, anywhere and from any device

Unlimited data
Unlimited data

Benefit from unlimited induction logs, unlimited users and unlimited amends to your induction.

UK based and secure
UK based and secure

Data stored on cloud-based AWS platform, and fully compliant with GDPR legislation.

We do all the hard work for you
We do all the hard work for you

We take the hassle away. From building your induction to full platform training – you will be fully supported throughout.

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It was very important to us that the system we used was simple and easy to use for the contractors, the site management and the administrators, although the support is always there for us we have not had to rely on them once we had the initial introduction & training.

Ian Berrie

Ashe Group

Data storage in the cloud is a big bonus for us across our sites, we are not duplicating everything, and everyone that needs to has access to the information 24/7

John Lewis

Henstaff Construction

The software is slick, easy to use and the support has been excellent throughout

Kevin Redding

Construction, Health & Safety Manager

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